Plasma Sterilization disinfection

Dry, Low or no heating.

Penetrates small crevices.

Sterilized and contaminated goods can be handled separately.

Environmentally friendly.

How does this work?

Plasma damages all components of a pathogen cell with a range of effects.

This almost completely eliminates any possibility of the pathogen developing resistance to the process.

Killing Germs and other pathogens

Plasma Sterilization disinfection

Dry, with Low or no heating.

Penetrates small crevices.

Sterilized and contaminated goods can be handled separately.

Environmentally friendly.

How does this work?

Plasma damages all components of a pathogen cell with a range of effects.

This almost completely eliminates any possibility of the pathogen developing resistance to the process.

How it works Detail

Plasma is a very reactive ionized gas that consists of free electron, ions excited atoms, free atoms, the so-called Radical molecule fragments und photons (visible light and UV light).

It is proven that plasma damages all parts of the pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi). Thus, the pathogens envelopes are destroyed amongst other effects, the cell membranes and DNA genetic information of the pathogen are also destroyed.

Plasma also kills or renders the bacteria, viruses, virion (virus particles that exist outside of a cell, the transmission mechanism or the virus), prions and fungi that may be already present inactive.

It also cleans the surfaces of contamination and toxins.

Due the excellent crack penetration of the low-pressure plasma even the smallest of cracks and cavities are reached by the plasma disinfection / sterilization.

Proven Sterilizing effects in low pressure plasma

Scientific studies have proved that the sterilizing effect of low pressure plasma is based on several effects, amongst others these are:

  • The high reactivity of the particles in the plasma

    The different reactive species that exist in the plasma damage the organic molecules of the living organisms such as bacteria

    Bacteria are killed by the oxides existing in the plasma

  • The UV light present in low pressure plasma

    Viruses are rendered inactive by the UV light in plasma.

    Bactria are killed by the UV light in plasma.

    UV light is an effective disinfection method. The UV light damages the genetic information in the DNA molecules. Because of this not only living cells like Bacteria for example, but also virus that do not have their own metabolism are destroyed.

  • The high kinetic energy in the ions and electrons

    The plasma particles hit the surface of the product with high speed and sputtering off the existing contamination and pathogens.
    Independent of the nature of the contaminating particles, living or not, they are mechanically removed.
    They are transferred into the gas phase and due to the constant gas flow transported from the plasma chamber.

    The charged particles destroy bonds in the cell membranes and hence reach the Virus envelopes from enveloped viruses (Information: The SARS-CoV-2 are such enveloped viruses).

  • Low pressure plasma - fine vacuum

    Due to the vacuum in the plasma chamber and the increased temperature due to contact with the reactive high energy plasma particles the organisms of the pathogens will be dehydrated.

Materials suitable for low pressure plasma sterilization or disinfection

  • Metals
  • Polymers (plastics)
  • Elastomers
  • TPU
  • Silicone
  • Glass
  • Ceramics
  • Textiles

are all compatible with low pressure plasma sterilization.

Basically, any materials that are not damaged by vacuum or plasma.

For example, foamed materials with closed cells are not compatible.

Not suitable are materials that have a high outgassing as this may hinder the generation of the fine vacuum.

Definition of plasma cleaning, plasma disinfection and plasma sterilization.

Dependent on the desired level of cleanliness from the product or surfaces the best process is selected.

Do you want to clean, disinfect or sterilize, different low pressure plasma process give different results.

The important fact in this decision is the desired reduction in the germ count.

Under plasma cleaning it is generally understood that there will be a general removal of contamination and microorganisms without necessarily deactivating or killing these.

In a medical area cleaning is often done with cloths or vacuum cleaners.

So a cleaning process will achieve about an 50 – 80% reduction in the germ count (See KRINKO guide lines).

Disinfection reduces the count of health damaging germs so that the treated item presents no danger of infection.

The process is focused on reducing and not completely eliminating and deactivating pathogens and germs.

An effective disinfection is defined as reducing the germ count by 84–99.9%. Depending on the process choice, intensity, and time in the plasma atmosphere the product can be disinfected and sterilized.

Under sterilization it is understood that during the process a complete and irreversible destruction and inactivation of all microorganisms including those in incubation.

This means sterile products are free from spores, fungi, germs, or bacteria capable of reproduction.

Also, Prions, viruses and virion must be inactivated.

Dependent on the choice of the plasma intensity, process gas and time in the plasma atmosphere the product will be both disinfected and sterilized.